Finding community at college is, in most student experiences, very important. For a Jewish student, finding a college or university that provides a welcoming community can be a significant factor during their college search. Here are my tips for what to consider when researching colleges as a Jewish student:
Holistic Fit: No one Jewish student is alike so keep in mind that what fits one student may not be what another is looking for. But in general, it is important to find community both socially, religiously, kosher, academic and through campus organizations.
Religious Services: Does the college provide religious services especially for the High Holidays: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? And if you want to observe other religious holidays such as Sukkot, Purim or Passover, does the college provide services for these holidays as well?
Does the college or university provide a Kosher dining option for Jewish students on campus? If so, does it provide this option in all dining halls or just one or two?
Does the college or university provide a campus organization such as Hillel International, Chabad, Jewish Student Union or an OU-JLIC? These organizations would potentially provide community for the Jewish student to have Shabbat each week, religious services throughout the year and give the student a social community.
Are academic courses offered in Jewish studies such as middle eastern studies or Hebrew language?
What type of social experiences and community does the college provide for Jewish students?
How does the administration create a safe and inclusive environment for Jewish students? How does the college or university deal with Anti-Semitism or micro-aggressions?
Hillel International and Chabad are found on many college campuses across the US. Checkout their extensive websites for a great list of where they can be found.