One important piece of your student’s college application is the School Profile. It is submitted by your school/guidance counselor along with their letters of recommendation and high school transcript. Why is it so important? Let me break it down.
High Schools across the country vary tremendously. Some are focused on math and science, others are focused on the performing arts and some are private or public. They all vary. The school profile gives a summary of the high school and what it offers to its students: course selection, size of student body, location, size of faculty, etc.
The School Profile also gives insight to course selection at the high school by listing every course offered at the school. This is very important for an admissions committee to see so they can see whether or not an applicant has taken full advantage of what is offered at their school. How many AP courses, IB or vocational offerings are listed.
The School Profile will summarize the average SAT and ACT scores for the student body and compare it to the national average.
It will usually also describe what percentage of students go on to a four-year and two-year college.
The School Profile is a very important piece of the application. If you want to see your student’s high school profile, you can usually find it on your high school website on the guidance department page and, if not, email your guidance counselor for a copy.