Colleges and universities that offer or require an interview as a factor in the admissions process view the opportunity to hear and speak with you as an essential factor in their decision-making.
Colleges and universities take a more holistic approach to admitting students when they include an interview. It is a great indicator that this college or university sees all qualities of an applicant, not just grades and standardized tests. It can give the student a chance to explain their application and for you and the school to get acquainted. The interview can really help a marginal student’s application, too.
If a school states that their interviews are evaluative, do it, whether or not it is recommended or required. If a college or university merely recommends interviews, whether or not it is evaluative, it is still highly recommended.
The college is looking to answer some of the following items:
· Student’s level of enthusiasm and motivation for attending the school.
· Who you are beyond your grades and test scores.
· Your intellectual promise, leadership, personality and sense of humor.
6 tips to prepare for the interview:
1. Know about Yourself
Why do you want to go to college?
Why do you want to attend ( ) college in particular?
Why are you a good match with ( ) college?
2. Be prepared to talk about High School
Chance to talk about your school community and what/how you were involved
Statistics: Know your GPA and how many students are graduating in your class
This also gives you a chance to mention any loop holes in your studies.
3. Be prepared to talk about Extracurricular Activities
Know the organizations in which you participate.
What has been the most important to you and why?
What might you continue in college?
Have you risen to any leadership positions?
Be sure to talk about activities outside of school too.
4. Dress appropriate: Wear a business-smart look.
5. What NOT to do during an Interview:
Avoid yes-and-no answers.
Chew gum
Have your cell phone with you and/or on. Silence it!
Don’t be late.
Don’t over-share
Don’t swear
Don’t put your family down
6. What TO do during an interview:
Relax: There really is no way to bomb the interview. It’s merely a conversation.
Dress appropriately
Listen carefully. Be attentive. Smile
Ask questions. It shows you are interested.
Write a thank you note. Always follow up with a thank you note to the person who interviewed you.
Be confident! You got this!!