So you’ve been accepted into a number of colleges and universities. Now you need to decide which to attend. A great exercise to help you make the big decision is to attend Accepted Student Day events. Here are my six tips on how to make the best of these events:
Talk to as many current students as possible. Ask them about campus life, courses, housing and everything else.
Go on a campus tour and ask the student tour guide as many questions as possible. Read bulletin boards around campus during the tour as well. This will give you a feel for events held on campus.
Eat a meal in a dining hall. It is a great way to see a lot of current students and to check out the food.
Sit in on a class to get a sense of the faculty.
If offered, attend an activities/club fair. This will help you determine what activities are available to students.
Meet other fellow accepted students. You can get a feel if you feel as though you socially ‘fit in’.
Good Luck!