After you receive all of your college admission decisions, you will need to assess your choices and make a final decision.
Lay out all of your acceptances on a table. Look at each school and think over how each makes you feel.
How does the college make you feel?
Review the location and size of each school
At which college can you imagine yourself at most? Why?
Re-visit Campus: Many schools offer an accepted student day. If not, make a plan to re-visit a few campuses, if you are unsure of which to choose to attend.
Meet with financial aid if you have any questions.
Ask about important issues to you such as housing, res life, support services for students such as disability resource center or mental health support.
Talk with current students while on campus.
Compare financial aid awards and contact the offices with questions.
While there is no rush, make sure you do not miss the deadline for notifying a college.
There is NO perfect school. Sorry folks, but it’s true. Just like all decisions in life, it’s part of your journey and what YOU make of college is what you’ll gain. And congratulations!